Pre-Recorded Workshops


Elisa Cotroneo - ISMETA: Insurance for Alexander Technique Teachers

Seong-Eun Kim - How I got more students
Akemi Kinomura - Japanese Archery And The Meaning of Standing In Our Own Structure
Glen Park - Chakra Healing Therapy for Alexander Teachers


Workshop:  AT Work in Companies  
Workshop Presenter(s):  Priska Gauger
Workshop Language(s):  German, English

Like many ATI members who offer the Alexander Technique in universities, each in their specific fields of study such as music, dance, movement, acting, science, I offer the Alexander Technique in business. Directly on site, I accompany people at work in their specific activities. - I would like to present my work to the ATI community, which I offer in the context of health promotion in various fields of work: such as production, office work, management, social or medical institutions, education, etc.

Priska Gauger-Schelbert, Schwyz, Switzerland
has been an Alexander Technique teacher since 1995. She has extensive practical experience in individual work and in workplace health promotion. Between 2001 and 2003 she developed the pioneering adaptable concept balance-time® at Victorinox on the basis of the Alexander Technique, which has since been successfully introduced in numerous institutions and companies throughout Switzerland and has led to the development of a competent team.

Workshop: `My story how I have many AT students`
Workshop presenter: Seong-Eun Kim
Workshop language: English (Korean & English text of the presentation - German and French texts are translated by: - Please use this free translation link as well for your language.
E-mail & Website:[email protected]  /

This is the story of a Korean teacher how she got many students. There's a happening that one of the famous Korean movie stars taking Alexander lesson on TV. She has luck and persistency to have many students. Hopefully, this story can be inspiring to teachers, especially for young teachers.

Seong-Eun Kim has a background in studying Korean traditional dance and Literature. She graduated from Tommy Thompson's AT school in 2010. After learning more teaching experience for musicians, dancers, and acting people in Boston, she came back to Korea in 2014 and started to teach as a full time AT teacher in Seoul Korea. Now she is a director of AT training school named Alexander Technique Korea and does many private lessons for musicians, acting people, and people who need help as well as group class. She has taught AT at Myung-Ji University for 4 years.

Workshop:  Japanese Archery and the Meaning of Standing In our Own Structure
Workshop Presenter(s):  Akemi Kinomura
Workshop Language(s):  Japanese, English

Have you experienced Japanese culture? For example, Japanese Tea ceremony, Japanese Art flowers, Japanese Archery and so on. Each thing has its own “KATA”. That is, rules of how to move in the shape. How to move the hand from here to there, what is the shape of a hand when the hand touches a tool...

Do you feel a “Rule of the shape” might bring stiffness? It does not; we find the opposite. “KATA” is learned for structure, it trains us to move in the natural structure of our own body. By learning “KATA”, we can notice our own habits. Above all, Japanese Archery is based on an interesting and unique idea. The aim is to aim at the target with a bow and arrow, but not aim at the target .The reason is that "the target is placed where we can hit it if we use our own body correctly.”. In order to be able to use the structure of the body as it is, the senses are refined and trained .Let's experience a little what it looks like.

It would be nice if each participant had a space where they could move with their hands and legs spread out. Please bring a long towel or rubber band. This will be used in place of a bow. Be sure it is long enough to have both hands open and have the length from one hand to the elbow of the opposite arm. If the towel is too thick, it is difficult to grip, so it is desirable to use a thin towel.

Akemi Kinomura majored in Shape and Material at Art University. There, she learned tea ceremony, archery, etc. to deepen her understanding of space and body structure, tools and actions, patterns and consciousness. In 1999, she started working as an Alexander Technique teacher. In 2010, she started a teacher training course which became a corporation in 2013. In 2018, she published the book Illustrated Guide to Using a Body In A Way That Does Not Tire  You. This book has become a bestseller in recent years, after it was said the book could not be sold. 

Workshop:  Chakra Healing Therapy for Alexander Teachers
Workshop Presenter(s):  Glen Park (website:
Workshop Language(s):  English

Do you ever wish there was a way of including more of the emotional and psychological in your work as an Alexander Teacher? The chakras are an embodied way of doing this, and in this workshop, Glen Park will share some of the insights that they can bring. Participants will explore the chakras through working on themselves. The chakras will be explained, with each lower chakra representing a different stage of development from infancy and childhood through adulthood, and the Heart Chakra playing a central role in awakening the spiritual potential of the upper chakras. The explanations will be linked to research in neuroscience, developmental psychology and to spiritual teachings. The pre-recorded video will include on-screen images to illustrate her talk. The first forty minutes of this workshop will be explanatory, and the final twenty minutes will be a guided visualization working through the chakras from the Base Chakra to the Crown Chakra.

You’ll need a chair for this guided visualization.

Glen Park worked in the professional theatre for ten years as an actor, scriptwriter and director before beginning her Alexander Training in 1980. This experience has contributed to her deep interest in the psychological and energetic patterns that interfere with good use. Her first book, The Art of Changing, published in 1989, was an introduction to the Alexander Technique, and also explored the way the technique can be applied to emotional and energetic patterns of use. In October 2020, her new book Chakra Healing Therapy will be published. In this in-depth guide to working with the chakras, she draws on her decades of experience as an Alexander Teacher and Chakra Therapist to explain how the chakras can be understood as an embodied map of the psyche. She shows how the connections between the chakras and developmental stages are paralleled in the findings of Western psychology and neuroscience and how our collective expressions of the chakras influence cultural trends in society. Glen has led many workshops for actors, musicians, Alexander teachers and trainees exploring these energy centres and finding ways to encourage integration and flow in the body through awareness of psychological as well as physical interferences. 


ATI Live Activities

Workshop:  ATI Professional Development Committee:  ATI Knowledge Party
Workshop Presenter(s):  Joe Kaplan (Committee Chair) and Catherine Kettrick (Committee: Antoinette Kranenburg,                                                Catherine Kettrick, David Mills, Diana Bradley, Holly Cinnamon, and Morgan Brunketurner
Workshop Language(s):  English

 Check out our YouTube Video 

As part of their continued work on the Pilot Project for Demonstration of Knowledge of Alexander's Writings, the ATI Professional Development Committee invites you to a Knowledge Party the first round of "ATI Knowledge Parties." These events will begin an ATI-wide discussion about Alexander's Writings, particularly the material involved in the Demonstration of Knowledge, and provide support for trainees preparing to complete the Demonstration of Knowledge.

Join us on zoom for an open-ended conversation about the Eight Concepts of the Alexander Technique addressed in the Demonstration of Knowledge:

*  Primary Control
*  Conscious Direction
*  End-gaining
*  Faulty Sensory Appreciation
*  Inhibition
*  Means Whereby
*  Psycho-physical Unity
*  The Universal Constant (Use Affects Functioning for better or worse)

Come share thoughts on each of these ideas: how they have influenced your development as a person; how they have influenced your development as a teacher; and, how Alexander discovered each of them according to the story he tells in the first chapter of the Use of the Self. It will be helpful if you have your copy of The Use of the Self nearby.